Homeopathy for Pets

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Homeopathy is highly effective and provides safe pet care for treating our family pets.  Our dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, and other beloved pets can benefit greatly from Homeopathy.  Since Homeopathic remedies can be taken orally and easily dissolve in the mouth, a remedy can be slide into the side pouch of your pooch or pet’s mouth!   You can also dissolve a couple remedy pellets into their drinking water for an even easier method.

Here are some common conditions, diseases, symptoms that our pets may experience and some Homeopathic remedies that can eliminate or alleviate them:

Giardia (commonly caught from drinking water at our favorite dog park):  This parasitic conditions is brought about by drinking water contaminated with feces.  Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.  When your pet has this condition you know about it quickly!  A very quick and effective, powerful Homeopathic remedy for this is Agaricus Muscarius.  

Arthritis/Stiffness: Usually brought on by old age but sometimes from injuries or breeding issues, arthritis and stiffness can leave your pet feeling lame.  Symptoms can include sluggishness, reluctance to go for walks, slow and labored movement, lethargy, depression, and moaning when walking or running.  Most times conditions worsen in cold, damp weather. Rhus Toxicodendron is a wonderful remedy to alleviate symptoms.

Cuts/Wounds/Abrasions: Anytime our pets get injured we worry and wonder what to do for relief.  Topically you can use Calendula Officinalis.  This remedy can also be taken orally to speed up the healing process.  This is an amazing antiseptic, antifungal that is a natural wound healer.

There are many common Homeopathic remedies that can quickly mend your pet when you are looking for safe pet care.  Homeopathy is inexpensive, natural and safe, powerful yet gentle, and super easy to take.  For the right potency level and amount of times you should give a remedy to your pet you should contact a Certified Homeopath for best and quickest results.  When you love your pet unconditionally you will do whatever you can to help them feel better quickly.  Pets are a part of the family, treat them like one with natural healing and shower them with love and affection everyday!